Who am I?

For convenience, I call myself sunteam_paul. I'm just a guy who sits at home on his computer. I mostly do pixel art stuff, but also get involved in game design and a little programming.

What is sunteam?

Sunteam was created back in the days of the Commodore Amiga. It consisted of Paul (me), Ian (another pixel shifter), Mike (programmer) and Phil (music). The core of the group was Ian and myself who would just pixel away in Dpaint for hours, either original work or (mostly) copying graphics from arcade games via magazine screenshots and videos we made. We produced a few PD demos (almost all programmed by me in AMOS) and almost finished a couple of games.

Eventually things dissipated but I continued on with the Sunteam name myself.

I run the PC Engine Software Bible website, written a few fanzines and ezines, made a couple of PC Engine related books and so on. But most recently I've been involved in making games for the PC Engine and MSX via Aetherbyte Studios, and also making my own retro styles titles for Windows and creating BASIC games on teh Spectrum Next.

If you want to email to me, you can say what needs to be said via paul [at] pcengine.co.uk or send me a message on facebook.